
Friday, May 31, 2013

Reconciling Milk Storage Guidelines - Philippine Setting

I haven't posted anything for more than 1 week!! I started working on this post about 2 weeks ago and really agonized how to make it all come together.  Finally, here it is and I hope this will be helpful and not confusing to breastfeeding moms.

Back in my 2009 post about milk storage guidelines, I referred to guidelines culled from Western countries.  I'm happy to share that there are now guidelines specifically created for the Philippine climate. However, if you notice the charts, the suggested storage guidelines are not the same.  One guidelines were developed by MDs while the other was developed by internationally recognized expert breastfeeding counselors.   

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Quick Reminder: Working Mom May 2013 - Setting up your Lactation Policy

May is about to end and just a quick reminder to grab a copy of Working Mom May 2013.  I have an article there about how we set up our lactation rooms in the workplace and how we are currently working on our lactation policy.

I have a compilation of posts in this blog related to breastfeeding and working and you can see them here.  Meanwhile, you can download and print this very useful guide (PDF) from the Department of Labor and Employment's Bureau of Workers with Special Concerns.
I can, let me reiterate, nothing will happen if you don't take the first step.  So read, research, know your rights and make the move!  You never know - the lactation room/policy may just be a request away. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Online Shopping? Try Taste Central

As a full time working mom, I am addicted to online shopping.  My favorite local deal site is Deal Grocer.  I have booked several vacations through them - from Misibis Bay, Crimson Resort, Taal Vista plus countless of vouchers for lunches and dinners in various restaurants.

I was pleasantly surprised and excited when they launched a shopping site - Taste Central.  I am a huge fan of shopping sites such as Zulily, Gilt and HauteLook.  However, since these are US-based sites, I have to wait for months before I get my purchase.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Sad State of Filipino Families [Formula Milk Marketing]

Photo by Atty. Ipat Luna
I do not consider formula milk as evil or poison.  While I encourage breastfeeding, when moms choose to formula feed, I shut my mouth.  However, what I am up in arms against would be the evils of formula milk marketing.  

Whatever formula milk companies say (we promote breastfeeding, breastfeeding is best, etc. etc.) keep in mind that breastfeeding is their number 1 competitor.  Breastfeeding or breastmilk is free while their product has a huge ecological footprint and also makes a big hole in the consumers' pockets.  What is more sickening is that they target their marketing activities to the poorest of the poor -- to those who cannot actually afford their products.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mom's Perfect Day at Ayala Malls

To celebrate Mother's day, the SoMoms were invited to spend the day at Ayala Malls.  We were also treated to a pre-Mother's day shopping at Gingersnaps.  Gingersnaps is one of my favorite brands for kids and I usually end up buying N or E an item from each of their collections.  The task was to buy a Mom and Me outfit for the high tea party on Mother's Day.  

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Long Distance Travel with Breastmilk

Traveling with breastmilk is a top concern of mothers - especially those who have to go out of the country and still want to bring home their milk.  I have previously posted tips on traveling and expressing milk without baby and how to transport breastmilk via air (Asian travel).

My own experiences in transporting breastmilk involved air travel, dry ice and regular ice packs. For this post, I will share some tips on traveling with refrigerated breastmilk with travel time of about 6 hours and traveling with frozen breastmilk using dry ice.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Mother's Day Raffle from Mothering Earthlings

If you've been wondering about where I get the funky shirts and tops for my kids, I get them from Mothering Earthlings.  Rone has gathered the funkiest and coolest items from Philippine brands and made online shopping fun and easy for busy moms like me.

Check out our fun stuff from Rone's shop!
waiting at the doctor's office in an agoo tee

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Last Chance to Make Your Own Havaianas

Tuesday was a special night! Not only was it my first time to attend a "Make Your Own Havaianas" which is now on its 8th year (where was I, the past 7 years?!), I also got to spend a night out with girl friends!

I braved the traffic from Manila to Rockwell - and it was really bad because it was a payday and the eve of a holiday.  I got to Rockwell Tent a little past 7 and the party was in full swing!
this hot air balloon made of slippers
greets you as you enter the venue
I met up with the SoMoms who were also all giddy with excitement.  Most of us were attending MYOH for the first time and for some, it was the first night out (without kids!) for years!!
the SoMoms having fun!
thanks to Mommy Mundo for the photo
When I bought my first pair of Havaianas back in 2004, it was plain aqua blue - no fancy frills.  Since then, Havaianas has expanded its collection - Disney, Filipinas and even UAAP designs!  However, store-bought slippers are limited to fixed designs and there is no opportunity to design your own e.g. change straps or add pins, etc.

After going to #MYOH2013, I know understand why hordes of people flock to it year after year!
shelves full of colors
Yes, you are getting flip flops but there is something special about choosing your own design - personalizing it and knowing that you are making a unique one of a kind pair.
the frenzy begins!
As with every MYOH event, Havaianas partners with an artist to come out with an exclusive design available only during the event. The past collaborations had been with foreign artists but this year, it is with Filipino illustrator Dan Matutina who came up with the very first glow-in-the-dark commemorative pair!
flip-flops for myself and a limited edition pair for Mr. Ong 
One disappointment was that there were no sizes available for kids.  Some of the SoMoms bought the smallest adult size for their child to grow into.  I decided not to because N still has 1 pair of Havaianas that she has yet to grow into and we are running out of storage space in our home!

My fit flops from #MYOH2013 were packaged in reusable tote bags.  The tote bags also come with markers and my budding artist N immediately went to work on them.

This year's #MYOH2013 theme is You + Havaianas and Havaianas Philippines has launched its first ever flip-flops design contest. The contest is currently ongoing and you can join through this link.  Pretty exciting because if your design wins, it will be introduced as a Limited Edition style of the Havaianas 2014 Collection to be named after you!

You have until today to head on to the Rockwell Tent, make your own Havaianas and see what the hype is all about!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

MomBa: Babywearing Fun!

One of the activities I wanted to include during  the babywearing events was a local version of Sling and Dance.  However, I was creatively challenge and had no idea how to choreograph a routine.  Plus, I don't go to classes like zumba or yoga so I really had no idea how to organize a similar activity locally.  Hence, this idea got shelved.

Fast forward to several months later when I met Nadine Casino online.  Nadine and I had been corresponding in Facebook, focusing on setting up a breastfeeding support group in Cagayan de Oro City.  Along with her friend Meg Gabe, they set up Mommy Bright Side, a support group for babywearing, breastfeeding and cloth diapering families.  Together with neonatologist Dr. Jessamine Sareno, the group organized the successful "Pay it Forward CDO" a breastmilk drive campaign for the Typhoon Pablo orphans.