
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Boycott Nestle. Ask me why.

At the One Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum last year in Luang Prabang, one of the persons I met was Patti Rundall of Baby Milk Action.  Prior to OABPF, I was already a breastfeeding advocate and actively stopped buying Nestle products for my home.  After listening to the speakers about their ideas, insights and experiences, I realise that supporting the Nestle boycott doesn't mean just NOT buying Nestle products for my family but also telling others who ask why we do it.  Every one person that also supports the boycott and stops buying Nestle is a huge boost to this campaign.

If I've piqued your interest, read on after the jump.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Our Tokyo Trip Travel Must-haves!

It has been more than one month since our April trip to Tokyo.  I've been preparing a series of posts about our must-dos and must-visits.  But I also wanted to list down our essentials packing list, hopefully to help families in their own planning and packing, and to serve as a reminder to myself when I prepare for our future trips as well.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Summer with Owl Coffee Philippines

Phew! I'm in the middle of a career change and although I decided not to work full time this summer, I feel as if I am busier than ever.  I realize that ferrying the kids to their summer classes and doing activities with them take up a lot of time.  I know I haven't written a lot for the past couple of months and I hope to make up for this in the 2nd half of 2014 (crossing my fingers!)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Do you use #softhands? Consider Positive Discipline

When we became parents, Stan and I naturally gravitated towards the attachment parenting model.  I realize now that it was also because of how I was parented as a child.  During our recent family trip to Tokyo, my dad shared about how an uncle told him how to parent his family - that he as a parent must be feared by his children - rule by the rod, not by hugs and kisses.  But my dad disagreed.  He believed that we should learn to obey him because we love and respect him and not because we feared him.  So my siblings and I were never lacking for warmth and affection from our parents and for this I am truly grateful.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Mother's Day Raffle with Elin

Mother's Day is coming up and I want to do a raffle for readers of this blog to celebrate.  I've had my Elin affiliate link up for about two months now and I am very thankful to my readers for clicking on it whenever they shop at Elin.

As I shared in my previous post, Elin has been my go to brand for chic casual pieces even when they were not yet carrying maternity clothes.  I was really pleased that they included nursing wear in their catalogue, providing classic and affordable pieces for their clients.