
Monday, February 7, 2011

Lactation Counselor Training - March 2011

I have been getting emails and posts from moms asking where they can get certified as a breastfeeding counselor. LATCH has plans to hold a training this year but schedule and details are not yet finalized. I promise to post details once every thing is ironed out.
I received information that Dr. Pat Kho (IBCLC) is holding a lactation counselor training in Makati Medical Center this March 2011. The training costs P10,000.00 and consists of 20 sessions spread out over 4 days. Topics range from the benefits of breastfeeding, how breastfeeding works, positioning, latching, how to counsel moms, breast conditions and infant assessment. You can contact Dr. Pat Kho (09178505872) to register and obtain more details. See curriculum below:

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