If this is your first time to join a carnival, you can check out my previous carnival posts to have an idea how this blog carnival works. To join, please fill up this FORM. If you don't have a blog but would like to join, please email me or Mec so we can arrange to have you hosted as a guest blogger.
Deadline for registration is on 11 December 2011. Posting instructions and carnival rules will be e-mailed to all participants on 12 December 2011 and the carnival will go live on 13 December 2011. PLEASE POST ON 13 DECEMBER 2011, beginning 12MN.
Please write about the theme provided. We currently do not moderate or screen posts but we do reserve the right to exclude your entry from the list of carnival participants should your post be offense, irrelevant to the carnival theme, contain personal attacks, off-topic articles, articles that are anti-breastfeeding or are articles that are aimed to market products or services.
Kindly note the deadlines and please POST your entries on 13 December 2011. The deadline of 12 December 2011 is also strictly observed for REGISTRATION. Once your post is up, PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO EMAIL our main host for December - Mec so she can include your link in the list of carnival participants.

On a side note - have you noticed that we finally have a carnival logo??!! And this is thanks to Mec!! Yay!
Here is Mec's explanation for the logo:
"Credits for the image go to the lovely Ms. Erika Hastings of Mudspice: Mucking about in Art and Motherhood. Her original painting of breastfeeding a toddler was in autumn hues but I took the liberty of Photoshopping it a little to make it pinker to touch on BREAST CANCER. I also decided to use the 'breastfeeding a toddler' painting rather than the 'breastfeeding an infant' one because WE ARE FOR EXTENDED BREASTFEEDING.Thank you, Mec for creating a carnival logo!!
For those who will also notice, the words [font for] MILK MAMA looks like Angry Birds-ish and you will be right. However, I used the font because it's name is actually FEAST OF FLESH and 'us breastfeeding moms do offer our babies a feast using our flesh' :)"
hi jenny, I'm interested to join the carnival but I have no blog. I emailed you on possibly joining as guest blogger. :)