
Saturday, May 9, 2009

IBCLCs in the Philippines

Early in the course of my breastfeeding career, I heard the term "IBCLC" countless times - during my hospital stay, consults with LCs, visits to various forums and online researches. An IBCLC is defined as "a specialist in lactation management," who "possesses the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes to provide substantive breastfeeding assistance and skilled technical management of lactation-related problems." IBCLCs are certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners. The Philippines belongs to the Asia-Pacific Region, with head office in Australia.
There are several breastfeeding support groups here in the Philippines but there are only five recognized and certified IBCLCs in the Philippines. However, it does not mean that only IBCLCs can give support to nursing mothers. Several members of the support groups are breastfeeding or peer counselors who have been trained to give support/information to nursing moms and may be working towards becoming certified as an IBCLC. The path towards being certified as an IBCLC is not easy and in fact a candidate is allowed up to 5 years to complete her certification.

The IBCLCs in the Philippines are:

1. Dr. Ma. Gracia V. Agrasada of UP PGH.
She is an ambulatory pediatrician. However, she does not have clinic hours and can only be contacted through e-mail. She is connected with the Philippine Children's Medical Center in Quezon City. However, she currently does not accept lactation consultations.  She is also the one who accredits IBCLCs in the Philippines.  So if you want to be an IBCLC, you need to contact her.

Update 16 July 2013:  Dr. Agrasada has clinical lactation exchanges at the Breastfeeding Clinic.  See details below:
The Breastfeeding Clinic at UP Manila (PGH) has a monthly CLINICAL LACTATION EXCHANGE (CLEx). This forum is a small group activity ( 4-5 persons), takes up breastfeeding cases/problems, looking particularly looking at individual mother-infant clinical situations (as differentiated from breastfeeding promotion). The forum takes 30 mins, all persons are welcome. A week before the date, the LC is required to inform us of her intention to attend to enable us to prepare handouts for the meeting. This activity is for free. The lactation person is required to inform us of attendance by sms (0920 286 6949), to enable us to prepare handouts for the meeting.  
Here are the dates and topics:
  •  July 24 (Wed) Sofie's breastfeeding story as told by her stools (Dr GV Agrasada) 
  •  Aug 14 (Wed) About nipples (Dr D Mendoza) 
UP-PGH OPD Breastfeeding Clinic.   
Lactation counselors, breastfeeding coaches, breastfeeding educators, breastfeeding enthusiast are all welcome to consult cases or even bring the mom-baby for consult. . Any lactation person who wants to bring in a mom-baby case, she is welcome. Such meeting may be arranged in ADVANCE by sms (0920 286 6949). All services are for FREE. 
 2-3. Dr. Elvira L. Henares-Esguerra, RPh, MD, FPDS, IBCLC and Nona D. Andaya-Castillo, IBCLC
Dr. Esguerra is a dermatologist and works with Ms. Nona and put up Children for Breastfeeding, Inc. They can be contacted through: 271-0954 and 444-4716 7014429-30 or 09198395555.

*Update 17 June 2011.  Here are the new contact details of Dr. Esguerra, as provided by reader Barre below:
Dr Henares-Esguerra also has a new clinic in Makati Medical Center effective June 2011. Tower B - Room 135.  Her clinic hours are M-T-Th 10am to 4pm first come first served but appointment recommended. W-F&Sat by appointment only. Call M-T-Th 10am to 4pm to ensure an appointment 8888999 local 7135.
4. Dr. Patricia Malay-Kho
Dr. Pat Kho is an ob-gyne who is also a member of the Best Friends in Breastfeeding support group. She holds clinic at Makati Med CP Manahan Bldg, Tower 1, Room L2 M-F 3-6pm Sat 9-12 816-0203 8888999 loc 2158 09178505872

5. Dr. Elynn L. Go
Dr. Go is a pediatrician who is based in the Emergency Room at St. Luke's. She also has clinics at Asian Hospital, Paranaque Doctors, Las Pinas Medical Center and Alabang Medical Center. Lactation consults are only by appointment. She can be contacted through 0917-8444831 or at St. Luke’s Emergency Room - (632) 723-0101 ext. 1913.
Dr. Go usually sees lactation patients at her clinic (Room 522) at Paranaque Doctors' Hospital Her clinic hours are Thurs 1-3pm; Friday and Sat 4-6pm. Appointments can be made through her secretary, Donna, by calling 7760644 loc.7510.

6. Dr. Jo Bondoc at the St. Luke's.
Dr. Jo emailed me that she has been recently certified as an IBCLC.  Her clinic schedules are:
Mornings: Medical City MATI building suite 612, tel 6356789 loc 5058
Afternoons: St Lukes Global City MAB building suite 1121, tel 7897700 loc 1121.
Call for appointments.

Dr. Go and Dr. Agrasada also work on charity cases. They hold free lactation consultations for charity patients at UP-PGH every Wednesday morning. Call UP-PGH (5548400) and ask to be connected to Pediatrics, Out-Patient Department.

7. Another IBCLC to add to the list! Dr. Lourdes M. Mendoza (09209506350). She is based in Cagayan de Oro City. Thank you to Dr. Jessa Sareno for the heads up. Dr. Jessa is a neonatologist who recently completed her training at the UP-PGH and works with Dr. Mianne Silvestre. Dr. Jessa will be going back to her home in Cagayan de Oro and will be setting up a breastfeeding clinic with Dr. Des Mendoza! Lucky Cagay-anons! (Update: 1 September 2010)

8. Dr. Cristina Bernardo has already been certified as an IBCLC as of August 2012!  She holds clinic in St. Luke's Global City and The Medical City.  Here are her contact details: (Update: 25 January 2013)
St. Luke’s Medical Center-Global City
Medical Arts Bldg., Rm. 1118
Mondays-Saturdays Clinic Hours: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Office Tel. No. 789-7700 loc. 7118
 Mobile No. 0922-8677118
Look for Ms. Merly  
The Medical City – Ortigas, Pasig City
Medical Arts Tower Inc., Rm 713
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Clinic: Hours: 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Office Tel. No. 635-6789 loc. 5076
Mobile No. 09228216012
Look for Ms. Jane 
9.  Dr. Tere Ribano, breastfeeding coordinator of Makati Medical Center.  She is also affiliated with Asian Hospital, Healthway and My Health.  More details here.

10. Dr. Rachel S. Leelin also from Makati Medical Center

11. Dr. Jamie Isip-Cumpas from Parkview Children's Center in Makati.  You can reach her at 216-7698 / 0918-8075767

12. Joyz Martinez, the nurse who runs B.A.B.Y.

Update: 8/10/2012
St. Luke's Medical Center (Quezon City and Global) has established their Lactation Units.  The units are staffed with lactation counselors, nurses and managers who are available for consultation.  Click HERE for details.
The Medical City likewise has established their Breastfeeding Center.  The center is staffed with a lactation specialist and lactation nurses/midwives. You can contact the Breastfeeding Center at 988-7000 or 988-1000 local 6720.

Please also check out my post - Breastfeeding Counselors in the Philippines


  1. Hi Jen,

    Do you have a more updated list similar to this? I currently looking for a dermatologist with IBCLC certification or at least some knowledge+experience working with breastfeeding mothers. I tried the numbers for Dr. Esguerra but they are no longer working.

  2. thanks for calling my attention! just updated the numbers. those are the latest numbers I have for The Breastfeeding Clinic. Hope this helps!

  3. Hi Jenny, Everyone,
    Dr Henares-Esguerra also has a new clinic in Makati Medical Center effective June 2011. Tower B - Room 135.
    Her clinic hours are M-T-Th 10am to 4pm first come first served but appointment recommended. W-F&Sat by appointment only. Call M-T-Th 10am to 4pm to ensure an appointment 8888999 local 7135.

    She is still partners with Nona Castillo Andaya.But still different perspective and diagnostic tools used by doctors. I have consulted with Nona, Dr Esquerra and Dr Kho. All are good, but Dr Esguerra's attention and expertise is really something else! I appreciate her personal touch. She is a Pharmacist as well so she custom mixes the ointments and creams. Lansinoh is great (and Thank God, available locally thru baby mama ph /ameda distributor Me'ann =)) but apparently some people may be allergic to lanolin - Dr Esquerra offers plant based alternatives. Part of the proceeds of her practice and Nona's consultation will go to supporting Breasfeeding programs for the indigent. So you are helping other nursing mothers as well =)

    Thanks Jen for the number or Dr Kho!  More power to you, mama baby love and your blog =)

  4. thanks for this barre! i will update my post. 

  5. I had the opportunity to consult with Dra. Grace Agrasada regarding breastfeeding. She accepted my appointment thru Dra. Jo Bondoc of Medical City. (Lactation Counselor and pediatrician) Dr Agrasada is training her for ibclc exam next year. They can be contacted thru Dra. Bondoc's clinic in Medical City or St. Lukes Global City.

  6. My mom is also a certified lactation consultant. She got her license when she was working in Oman. Now, she's here in the Philippines. I want to help her get a job. Can somebody help my mom to find a job? She had 35 years of experience in Oman and she is IBCLC certified. Here is my e-mail, Thanks!

  7. thanks christine! maybe you can post the numbers to Dr. Bondoc's clinic? for easy reference for interested moms. :D

  8. You can ask her to coordinate with Dr. Grace Agrasada who is the IBCLC coordinator in the Philippines so she can get registered with her.  Then maybe you can post your mom's details so  interested moms can contact her. Thanks!

  9. Hi! Im Cathy and like Christine I was able to consult with Dra. Jo Bondoc in St. Lukes Global City. Dra. Agrasada was with her during my consultation and I must say that they made the biggest difference in my breastfeeding experience. I owe everything to them. I highly recommend Dra. Bondoc, she is very accomodating and very patient! You can set appoinmnt thru Cindy at tel 7897700 loc 7121.

  10. Thanks for sharing Cathy! Moms will surely find the details you posted helpful :D

  11. thanks for the info! i actually just gave birth last sept 2 and till now having a hard time producing milk. my friend tried to helped me w/ a pump but i collected 1 oz in like an hour of pumping so she suspects i have prob w/ my milk ducts. hope someone can help me out!

  12. less than a week pa lang since you gave birth and you collected 1 oz na?! that is a lot!! i was lucky to collect half an ounce then! don't pump and put baby to breast directly.  you can contact the IBCLCs identified in this article also and schedule appointments with them.  good luck!

  13. Hi, I just gave birth with my second baby last September 4th, I am 32 years old and I breast fed my baby for two months during my maternity leave. But since I had to go back to work I had no choice but to leave her to my in-laws and her yaya to bottle feed her during the day. Sadly, after two weeks my baby had a nursing strike and won't breast feed anymore. I tried to give her my milk through pump expression yet she refuses it by throwing up. It has been almost a month now since I last breast fed her. Now, I don't have milk supply anymore. Can I still re-lactate? I really want to breast feed her again. Please.. help us. Thanks. God bless

  14. Hi Anne! Yes, it is still possible and it is best that you contact one of the IBCLCs listed above. good luck!

  15. Hi Jenny, thanks for the info regarding the counselors but do you have a list of breastfeeding counselors and lactation consultants from Cebu, Davao, Bacolod and Iloilo? i can see they're all in Luzon.. I hope you can help me. Thank u and God Bless!

  16. Just an update, The Medical City is already certified by Doh to be a Baby Friendly Hospital and they just recently opened the first Lactation Center in the Phil's. will be giving birth there next month and will give an update here. :)

  17. Comment from Jamie: Just an update, The Medical City is already certified by Doh to be a Baby Friendly Hospital and they just recently opened the first Lactation Center in the Phil's. will be giving birth there next month and will give an update here. :)

    - hmm.. i wonder who the breastfeeding counselors or IBCLCs there are? anyone know?

  18. Comment from Jamie: Just an update, The Medical City is already certified by Doh to be a Baby Friendly Hospital and they just recently opened the first Lactation Center in the Phil's. will be giving birth there next month and will give an update here. :) - hmm.. i wonder who the breastfeeding counselors or IBCLCs there are? anyone know?

  19. Hi!  Does anyone know a breastfeeding counselor / lactation consultant here in Cebu? I need some help with my breastfeeding.  I'm a new mom. 

  20. Hi Odessa!  Unfortunately, the LATCH peer counselor who used to be there has moved back to Manila. So as of now, I have no info about a breastfeeding counselor there. 

  21. Hi Odessa! there's a breastfeeding support group being established there. Mylene Santana of LATCH has moved to Cebu. you can also contact Shirley Go of Baobao Babies :D
