For the 1st week, she didn't cry and even told me to go outside. Surprisingly, she had the separation blues in the 2nd week. But after that, going to school was normal and she looked forward to doing so everyday. She loves music and arts. I'm sure most kids do too.
This week's prizes will be for your creative kids - 1 box of EcoStars and 1 pouch of Crayon Rocks.
There will be 2 winners - one for the EcoStars and one for the Crayon Rocks.
How to join this contest?
Leave a comment about how your baby surprised you with their comments or antics. You can also get extra entries (total of 4 entries) by:
- Becoming a fan of Mama.Baby.Love on Facebook.
- Tweeting about this giveaway (please leave a link to your status update. Right click in the time stamp and copy the URL).
- Blogging about the giveaway (please leave a link to your blog entry)
Leave a separate comment for each entry so it will be counted separately. One comment = 1 entry. However, a comment about how your baby surprised you counts as only 1 entry even if you write down xxx number of antics in separate comments.
If your email address is not in your public profile, leave it with your comment in words (e.g. fabnaima[at]gmail[dot]com) so I can contact you if you win.
This contest is open to readers within the Philippines and items will be shipped to you for free using Xend. Contest will end on May 14, Friday at 11:59PM. Names of winners will be posted in this entry and will be contacted by email. Please respond within 48 hours – otherwise, I will choose another winner. Two winners will be chosen using Winners can win once per week.

CONTEST CLOSED. Winners will be announced by Tuesday.
Congratulations to the winners:
Rosette Ecleo-Sacil (crayon rocks) and Ricci (ecostars).
Please check your email, Rosette.
Ricci, please send me an email at fabnaima[at]gmail[dot]com. Your profile is marked private and you didn't leave your email address.

CONTEST CLOSED. Winners will be announced by Tuesday.
Congratulations to the winners:
Rosette Ecleo-Sacil (crayon rocks) and Ricci (ecostars).
Please check your email, Rosette.
Ricci, please send me an email at fabnaima[at]gmail[dot]com. Your profile is marked private and you didn't leave your email address.
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I also blogged about the contest here:
My daughter always amazed and surprised us with her development day by day.
At 2 years old and 4 months, she's
- always singing her heart out
- she knows some of the capital of some countries
- her favorite place is the bookstore
- and she's learning how to reason out
and she's trying to get her way by giving us a lot of hugs and kisses!
I am a fan on facebook
Facebook fan - czaroma
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Our 15month old Zoie recently surprised us by saying "Brot bitte". Which means "Bread please" in german. And to reinforce what she wanted she also made the sign for food. Her words surprised us, because we haven't actively spoken german around her.
Just became a fan on facebook
Also Tweeted the giveaway
Just became your fan on FB. :)
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My husband was giving my boys a bath. I told my husband not to forget to brush their teeth and my husband said, "Tinatamad ako!" (I don't like doing it!). My 3-year-old then chanted, "Tamad si Daddy! Tamad si Daddy!" over and over again. What's funny about this is my children speak English mostly and this is one of the very few times he spoke in Filipino. Totally unexpected!
Blogged about your contest!
My son had his first taste of solid on his half birthday.
Based on my research, 9 out of 10 kids spit out their first solid food. That was not the case for my little boy who only got fussy when we were not fast enough to give him his next spoonful.
Our 20-month old girl is not yet speaking but knows the different sounds of animals. she shouts and makes tili everytime and she expresses herself through her funny and cute gestures and facial expressions.
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Just last night, Pappie (hubs) told me he was amazed at Yakee's deductive prowess. He put some foam into some hole and ended up not being able to get it out. He asked his father to get the foam for him. Before his Pappie could even try, he said something like... "Aha! Idea Pappie. Wait." and proceeded to look for his clay box. Pappie asked what he was looking for and he said, "tweezers" :)
Tweeted this post. =)
Just recently, my 8-month old surprised me when I saw her contently feeding herself with the broa I gave her. I would usually give her a piece but she often "forgets" that she can raise her hand to her mouth to get a bite of the broa. She would just wait for me to feed her while her broa melts and turns into powder form.
Just became a FB fan of Mama.Baby.Love =)
blogged about it here:
just became a fan -- JamieFranco
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