1. La Leche League Makati is moving to its new home!! Meetings will now be held at Mothercare Greenbelt 5 branch from 11am to 1230pm. February meeting will be on 26 February 2011. Please pre-registered by emailing Abbie Yabot or texting your name, edd or baby's age, email add and contact number to 09228292268.
2. The Breastfeeding Club will be holding a breastfeeding class at the Medela House on Saturday, 19 February 2011 from 9am to 11am. Topic will be sustaining breastfeeding with a review of Breastfeeding 101. Fee is P500 (which entitles you to 2 other classes in the series). Interested participants may register at 0917-5614366 or email Medela House.
3. Yaya trainings are also conducted at the Medela House. For February 19, 2011 (1-4pm) topic will be all about newborn care and the support that a yaya should give to a breastfeeding mom. Other topics are included in the yaya seminar modules. For details and fees, email Medela House.
4. If you're in Davao City, check out MommySense's seminar on Breastfeeding 101 for Yaya. I can't over-emphasize how important caregiver's support is in a successful breastfeeding relationship especially for working moms! Class will be on 22 February 2011 at The Pod. See poster for more details.

*LATCH has no classes for February. Next class will be on 12 March 2011 at The Medical City. See you there!
Hi! Are there any updates on classes & schedules for this month & July (2011)?
hi! there's a LLLI meeting on June 25 at Greenbelt 5 - Mothercare. Next class by LATCH will be on July 10. Please follow Chronicles of a Nursing Mom on FB as I post updates there. Thanks!
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