I checked the mother company of Sangobion and it is Merck - makers of Claritin (my allergy medicine), Coopertone, Dr. Scholl, among others. Not Nestle? Check! Not a milk formula manufacturer? Check! Plus, one of the prizes is an iPAD3 and I really want to win that because I want it but I'm to cheap to buy one. So if you found my blog useful at one time or another in your life AND want me to win, please do vote for me!
The voting process is complicated AND the rules are a bit confusing. You can vote 3x for daily for 1 blogger but your 3 votes will only count as one. Then, only votes from female registrants will count (I don't know how they will validate this). There will also be 25 voters who will get to attend the Awards Ceremony.

Ready to vote?
1. Register first - www.smartparenting.com.ph/mommybloggerawards/registration/
2. Check your email (including your SPAM folder) for the validation code.
3. Validate your account by clicking on the link sent your email.
4. Login here - www.smartparenting.com.ph/mommybloggerawards/login
5. Vote here - http://www.smartparenting.com.ph/mommybloggerawards/voting
6. Vote by clicking "VOTE" under my name. While you're at it, you may want to "LIKE" my FB page and "FOLLOW" me on Twitter.
7. Share with your friends and ask them to vote for me too :D
Once you have registered, you can just login directly and vote in the succeeding days. The contest runs until August 17, 2012 AND you can vote for me 3x daily (please do!).
Will you help me win an iPad3? Thank you!
Hi Ms. Jen, I'll definitely vote for you.:)
I read the Mechanics at the site. I think they phrased it incorrectly. I think it's meant to mean we can vote 3x daily. Thus, we can opt to vote for 3 finalists daily. However, if we opt to vote for a particular finalist 3x a day, only 1 vote per day will count. So if we choose to vote for only one, better vote once per day as the other two wouldn't count anyway. Hope this helps!
thanks MJ! that's exactly how I understood it too. so why allow voting 3x a day for 1 candidate pa? dapat once per day per candidate na lang if only 1 vote will count anyway.
if tama ang intindi ko, your vote is also your entry to be one of the 25 moms/voters to be invited in the event. So more votes means more chance for for you te be one of the 25 moms/voters to be invited in the Award Ceremony.
Voted for you, painterwife and manilamommy :)
thank you cezlie!!
hi mommy jenny, cast my votes for you today! all the best!
thanks bing!! please share too :D
Hi Mommy Jenny... I cast all my votes for you... I just read your VIP Blogs... and got really inspired and how I wish I knew your blog before so I got to understand more about breast feeding... My son is 6months old now... and I breast fed him only for a month,,, and then when his result of Newborn screening came, I found out that he has G6PDD... and for his health condition he's not supposed to take any soy product because it may worsen his health condition... and all formula milk contains soy... too bad for him I need to feed him with cow's milk (Evaporated or Fresh) because my breast milk stop producing already,,, Good luck to you and I hope you win...
Hi MJ actually you can cast all the 3votes on a particular finalist...and It's counted... I noticed that when I voted for Mommy Jenny 3times, there is a window that appears and you can see the tally votes for all participants...
thank you very much Garonee! I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you will be able to find ways to respond to the G6PD deficiency.
Good luck Jenny! Although I read half of all the blogs/bloggers in the list, I started with your blog when I was a first-time mom. :) You get my vote! Will try to vote daily!!!
thank you very much Dez!!!
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