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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Enough please!

Last month, it was all about Daniel Angerer and his breastmilk cheese.  This month, the spotlight is on Abi Blake who claims to be the Nigella Lawson of breast milk cookery. She has more than enough breast milk and sells breast milk cupcakes at various festival to customers who are intrigued by the novelty.  She has even developed a modest menu - from main course (lasagne) to drinks (fruit smoothie) to desserts (milk fudge) - where the main ingredient is her breast milk!  She claims to have gotten the idea during her stay in India where women regularly use breast milk in their cooking. She now regularly serves her breast milk dishes during dinner parties at her home, with vanilla breast milk cheesecake as her specialty.
Some comments in the article are just plain irritating and ignorant but seriously, I think serving food made out of breast milk to adults is just strange.  I have no qualms about serving food made out of my breast milk to my daughter or my niece.  But I believe that breast milk is for babies and there are other better uses for extra milk than making breast milk cheese or breast milk cupcakes for sale!  If you have extra milk, please choose to make food for YOUR baby or donate your milk instead.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is rather strange. After being cooked at that heat, there are no nutrients left in the breast milk.

You are absolutely right, your breast milk is for your baby and if you have too much milk, then donate to a baby in need.

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