I still want to hear about your bath time experiences so I'm sticking with this theme. Naima and her cousin Julian loves our bathtub. When we first moved to our place, I told Stan that I didn't want a bathtub in the master's bathroom and asked him to covert it to a shower stall instead. He refused since he said that he was sure that our future baby was going to love the bathtub. He was right!!
Naima's bathtub time is scheduled on weekends and she ALWAYS looks forward to it. She has books, crayons, letters and numbers which she plays with and associates with bathtime. I'm certainly glad that I listened to Stan and decided not to take out our bathtub yet.
How to join this contest?
Leave a comment about sharing your favorite bathtime stories or moments with your babies. You can also get extra entries (total of 4 entries) by:
- Becoming a fan of Mama.Baby.Love on Facebook.
- Tweeting about this giveaway (please leave a link to your status update. Right click in the time stamp and copy the URL).
- Blogging about the giveaway (please leave a link to your blog entry)
Leave a separate comment for each entry so it will be counted separately. One comment = 1 entry. However, both most useful and most useless baby purchase should be in 1 comment and counts only as 1 entry even if you write down xxx number of purchases in separate comments.
If your email address is not in your public profile, leave it with your comment in words (e.g. fabnaima[at]gmail[dot]com) so I can contact you if you win.
This contest is open to readers within the Philippines and items will be shipped to you for free using Xend. Contest will end on May 28, Friday at 11:59PM. Names of winners will be posted in this entry and will be contacted by email. Please respond within 48 hours – otherwise, I will choose another winner. Two winners will be chosen using random.org. Winners can win once per week.

CONTEST CLOSED. Winners to be announced by Tuesday.
Congratulations Ally and me (Entry 3) and Madammisismommy (Entry 11)! You win gift certificates to Big & Small, Co. - courtesy of Creative Juice. Please check your emails for details how to get the prizes :) Thanks everyone for joining my 4-week giveaway!

CONTEST CLOSED. Winners to be announced by Tuesday.
Congratulations Ally and me (Entry 3) and Madammisismommy (Entry 11)! You win gift certificates to Big & Small, Co. - courtesy of Creative Juice. Please check your emails for details how to get the prizes :) Thanks everyone for joining my 4-week giveaway!
My baby loves bath time. I still don't know why but he never cried during bath time. I guess he loves water. His dad used to be a swimmer. Or maybe the heat makes him love to be in the water. Hahaha!
When my baby was a newborn, she always cried at bathtime. Now nearing 6months, she always grips tightly at the rims of the tub when we try to take her out of it! * littledot78@gmail.com
Ally loves bath time. We also have a bath tub at home and it's usually our bonding time when I come home from work. She plays with the shower and laughs really hard when I get wet. Now that it's really hot, she goes to the tub around 3x a day, and sometimes even go swimming in the pool beside our house early in the morning. Ally naturally loves the water!
My little girl loves the water! We don't have a bathtub at home, but since she so loves the water, I bought her an inflatable swimming pool and that's where she takes her bath. I usually let her play in the water before giving her a bath. The hardest part of giving her a bath is taking her out of the water. She usually cries whenever its time to dry her off. - kirei_tenshi@live.com
already a fan on facebook. :)
I'm already a fan on facebook :) I'm a working mom and always look forward to bathing my baby every morning before I leave. It's our bonding time. My son is only 3 months and he smiles whenever I put him in his tub. Makes me want to take a leave so I could just be with him the whole day :)
My 2 year old loves bath time but she also loves "exploring" the shower area. She opens all the bottles of shampoo and walks around the shower. It's so hard to keep her still so I distract her by singing Barney songs with her and she ends up doing the actions that go along with the songs. :)
my baby's stump took a month to fall off. when it did, i thought life would be easier with water-bathing than our tedious sponge-bathing. however, the former proved to be quite an experience. without any guiding 'elderly,' my baby's first water-bathing was a loud-baby-wailing-and-mommy-stressed episode that i somewhat declared we would just revert to sponge bathing forever! after a month of this daily ablution, we finally got the hang of it --- we now do the task efficiently and get rewarding giggles from baby :o)
hi! blogged about your contest!
my 6 month old explorer loves taking a bath. He loves his rubber duckies but it is his beloved tabo that he cant get enough of. There was even a day when 4 hours have already passed since his bath time and he still refused to part with his tabo. He brought his tabo even when we brought himto his lola's place.
maquifranky at yahoo dot com dot ph
im your FB fan, btw
maquifranky at yahoo dot com dot ph
We've been using our Satefy 1st bathtub since our son was born-- bathtime is one of his favorite times! When he was just a few months old, it was so easy to bathe him because he would just lie in the support pad and watch us pour water on him. Now that he is 8mos old, he's more makulit. When he feels hot and sticky from summer's heat, he whines to us until he sees us getting his bathtub ready. And now he refuses to lie down quietly-- he's always trying to sit up in his tub! Bathtime is no longer a peaceful time, as he and I always play a tug-of-war game with his tabo (which he will grab from me instead of any of his bath toys) with me always losing. And once his bathwater reaches his tummy, he puts both arms out to the sides of the tub, grabs hold, and uses his legs and feet to splash the water around as much as he can!!! Bath time always ends with a refreshed and happy baby and sopping wet mommy!
Already a fan on facebook. :)
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/darkhalf888/status/14893217174
email is darkhalf888[at]gmail[dot]com :)
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