MomMe Planner is offering all Chronicles of a Nursing Mom readers a consolation prize of 15% off SRP plus shipping for all orders made until the end of 2011!! Mention "NURSINGMOM" when you order.
I am an OC Mom and if you read my guest post over at OCMominManila, you can see how planners play an important part in my oc-ness! ;) And this is why I got pretty excited when Shirley sent me this new planner to review - MomMe Planner.
This project was started in 2009 by a group of 4 college friends - Cherry, Carissa, Mira and Shirley. During one of their Sunday get-togethers, they realized that there were young adults planners, teen planners, travel planners, foodie planners, etc. but no planners out in the market that was specifically targeted for moms. They realized that their schedules often got mixed up as the moms are typically busy and often lose time for themselves.
Knowing that the secret to being a successful mom is to be organized, it took them 1 year to design the planner - from bag, straps, slings, contents. Ideas, insights and opinions were combined and collaborated and they identified what important information moms needed to have in their planners. The planner is complete with financial sheets, medical forms, grocery lists, meal planners to help moms become the best that they can be! With that, MomMe Planner was launched this year with the goal of putting the "ME" time back to each "MOM".
Top feature of the planner for me would be the at-a-glance family schedule:

I previously used this Big Grid Family Organizer to keep track of the schedules. But since it was hanging on the wall, I couldn't regularly update it so it ended up unused for the remaining half of the year! I also love the Essential Details and Numbers List:

Having all the renewal dates and important phone numbers in one planner would be very handy especially I keep track of this information not only for my family but for my in-laws as well. However, since this information is attached to the 2012 planner I would have to re-write everything in my 2013 planner! I think it would be great if some pages are detachable so you can just easily transfer them to your new planner next year.
One feature I probably won't use though is the password list page:

Since I can't guarantee that I won't lose or misplace this planner, I think I am better off not writing down my passwords and usernames. However, the holiday gift budget planner would be quite handy for me especially since I shop for Christmas gifts as early as March and continue to do so throughout the year!
The MomMe Planner is 100% handmade and comes in 2 styles - Cross-body or French Pochette. It has 10 lovely colors - EXOTIC (croc-embossed faux leather) in bronze or platinum; LUXE (French calfskin faux leather) in silver, gold, antique, titanium or blush and POSH (silky satin finish) in Icy Silver, Bubbly Champagne or Warm Cinnamon. Prices range from P980 to P1,280 and there is sure to be a MomMe Planner to suit your style!
You can purchase the planner from the MomMe Planner Facebook page or you can win 1 MomMe Planner through Rafflecopter below.
Thank you MomMe Planner for sponsoring this giveaway! Giveaway ends on 15 December 2011.
joining here! :)
I think I'd use the week-at-a-glance and the other planning pages the most. I'm OC like you, Jenny. Haha. Love this planner so I just HAVE to join and wish on my lucky stars!
I think the family schedule will be the most useful for me since I am a mom always on the go doing personal errands and for my siblings as well.
I think I'll use the IN ONE GLANCE page. I used to have a planner when I was still in the office and I still think I need one as a mom. I want this planner... hope I win :)
at-a-glance family schedule is the best feature from the planner...:)..I can easily keep track of my schedule:)
i will defintely enjoy the Big Grid Family Planner :)
I'll definitely be using the at-a-glance family schedule the most because if I don't write things down I tend to forget them. I've always had a planner and I think it's more important now that I have a baby so I wouldn't forget doctor's visits, among other things.
Oh cool! I love collecting planners and notebooks, and this one is just perfect for working moms like me! Hope I win! :)
Wow. I've never seen a planner specifically designed for moms. It's completely ingenious. Hope the next on the list is an online planner? :) that would be useful for someone who does everything online. (crossing fingers)
im so thankful that i got this planner, it gives me the chance to be more organize this coming new year or all throughout 2012. all the features will be a great help to all the moms out there, especially the at-a-glance family schedule of the planner it will definitely help all moms using it to keep track of the different activities of her love ones.
What feature do you think you'll use most in the new MomMe Planner? I won't leave any page unturned, unwritten and unmarked! I'm not really an OC mom but since I am busy with so many things about my kids I tend to forget a lot of them too, and keeping a planner has proven me it's uses. I recommend everyone to get one. As a matter of fact, I had this Goldilocks planner my bestfriend gave me, wrote in my goals in life and what I wanted to happen, and three years after, I was so amazed that most of them came true and I am still accomplishing the remaining lists! It's a good way of monitoring your own progress :)
the meal planner and grocery list will be very helpful to me. now that i have a growing baby who's just recently been introduced to solids, tracking and planning a menu is critical to have a healthy happy baby.
I'm sure the Monthly Expenses pages will be overused by me. =)
The family schedule would definitely be the most-used part. Plus the document tracker would be very helpful.
I difinety use much of EVERYTHING!I sucked at planning,that's why I want to have this.THis year,I wil do my best to plan everything....
I love the family schedule at a glance! It's definitely a really cool planner for anyone in general...doesn't have to be a parent.
i'm after bill payment schedule,expenses and errands
The family schedule will be my most used feature! :-)
What a posh way to plan! I love the essential details feature. I hope I win.
I think I would be using at-a-glance family schedule the most! :)
Monthly Expenses and Grocery list! They go together and I think they'll be overused!
For me the most used would be the family planner considering my volunteer work and schooling on top of my daughter's school schedules. I get tired just thinking about it
Essential details and numbers! Keeping the number of our LPG and Water Supplier as well as our Electrician/Handyman, Neigborhood Security, etc. all in one place is a must!
I will give this to my mom! :)
Grocery List! I am a first time mom and I do not know yet how to cook - sad. But i am practicing now. Thanks to my hubby for teaching me =)
definitely the Monthly Expenses pages!!
i love the grocery list and monthly expenses! :)
I think the at-a-glance family schedule will be the best feature that I will definite;y use in the planner. I like listing family occasions and schedules so this will definitely work for me.
I will never leave any pages of this planner empty written. Surely with this I will be able to organize things and most especially saving more time with my family,, love, love,love
I love the grocery list, bills list, may lending list. I love all the list.Good thing
there's a planner,it was a big help for me to make my list organize. <3
I like that I can easily track each family member's activities like meeting for me and hubby, practices or classes for the kids IN ONE GLANCE.
hoping to win this! :)
I love the expense tracker plus it comes in a bag! Very stylish yet functional.
pretty planner! hope i win!
I like that there are trackers for mom, dad and kids.
I love the planner!
I love the overall look, but I especially love the grocery lists and financial planner ^ ^,
I love the password list since I often forget my usernames and passwords!
i like the at a glance family schedule, and also the grocery list
i so love planners!!!
i know that i will use all the pages (at-a-glance family schedule, grocery lists, financial planner) of this wonderful planner, even the password list page (for backup purposes) :)
hope i win! :)
I like the at a glance family schedule, and also the grocery list to track my expenses also and the latest addition is the password list page i really need that because sometimes i can't remember already my passwords and even usernames on the sites that i am joining. Hoping to win it is a must for every MOMS!!! Thanks for this great giveaway!!! ;)
I like the family planner. This would be very helpful since I want to keep track of kid's school activities, exam schedules and deadlines. Being a mom is a big task that we get to be so forgetful at times, this is a great way to get organized!
i will use the planner by keeping updated with my baby's development.. her activities and first's. and maybe other important events..
I like the planner especially the grocery list as well as the password list. Such an amazing and useful thing for moms like me.
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