E is almost 10 months old and has been fully cloth diapered since he was 7 weeks old. That means that he has been cloth diapered for about 35 weeks. We have avoided the use of 1,470 pieces of diapers (at a conservative estimate of 6 diapers per day). With N, we only did partial cloth diapering and used Mamy Poko which was about 13 pesos per piece. So with E, we saved more than P19,000 already plus reduced the landfill waste by more than 1,000 pieces of soiled diapers!

Bamboo Dappy comes in several fun prints and colors and costs P599.50 each. Jenny admits that it is a bit more expensive than the other local cloth diaper brands. However, Jenny notes that unlike the other brands, Bamboo Dappy is organic and biodegradable, made of real bamboo fibers. Jenny further explains the benefits and advantages of bamboo:
As parents, we're always looking for ways to maximize our budgets, save more yet still get quality products for our daily needs. But we also desire to be of help to our surroundings and environment so our toddlers now, when they are older, can still enjoy clean air and even better nature. I personally wish my boys could still play "patintero" and ride their bikes in parks without the fear of over pollution. At the rate our climate change is going, it doesn't look nice 10 years from now. I hope we share the same sentiments :)
That is why we strongly promote the use of cloth diapers. USA, Europe, Australia and New Zealand are heavily promoting it too. And not just any cloth diaper, we encourage the use of bamboo-made ones because of its elements thats helpful to our environment. We add a few bucks more for something that'll help us and even generations after us.
To help us understand better, here are simple reasons why Bamboo is a more effective ingredient to our cloth diaper:
Environment Friendly
Bamboo is a type of grass (some call it weed) which grows fast, thus it is an easily renewable source. Every time we cut a bamboo for production; it is easily replaced so no worries on affecting the plant ecosystem.
Bamboo is a plant that does not require pesticides nor fertilizer to make it grow so it is organic. Because of this, natural bamboo does not cause allergic reactions, making it hypoallergenic. It also has medicinal and anti-bacterial quality that is why it is also used as ingredients to medicines and skin care.
Skin Care
Duck stew in medicine broth with fresh bamboo shootsHelps get rid of rashes and sores
Because bamboo is naturally hypoallergenic, diapers made from bamboo help get rid of diaper rash, decreased circulation, and sores because of too much waste in diaper. You might be picturing bamboo as hard, stiff plants but its not. Bamboo is naturally round, without sharp spurs to irritate he skin. So its super soft. It is also naturally cold. When you compare the feeling of cotton and other cloth diaper materials versus bamboo fabric, you'll notice that bamboo fabric is a lot cooler, so our babies bums are more comfortable. This is actually good news for us moms in the Philippines because we always have warm weather. Lastly, diapers made from bamboo absorb waste beyond first layer, which means waste is evenly distributed.
Check out how actual bamboo made diaper looks like!

Contest will run from 17 October 2012 to 24 October 2012. You can join the giveaway through Rafflecopter. a Rafflecopter giveaway
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