Welcome to March's Carnival of Breastfeeding
I wasn't able to join last month's carnival on breastfeeding challenges. This month's topic is on the joys of breastfeeding and what I like best about it. I think I'm actually on the tail end of my breastfeeding journey with Naima. She is already 2.3 years old and nurses only at night. So, here are the 5 things I love about breastfeeding
1. Limitless health benefits - Almost every month, I read about new research on more breastfeeding benefits. I've never encountered research on breastfeeding as being bad for babies but rather on how formula approximates breast milk.
2. Ease, convenience and instant food - Stan and I are travel bugs and I can only imagine the horrors of traveling with a formula can, gallons of mineral water, sterilizer, bottles - we'd be over our baggage allowance even without Stan's photography gear!
3. Savings savings savings! - Cans of formula milk range from 800pesos - 1,200 pesos for one week's consumption. Plus, you have to purchase feeding bottles, sterilizers, WATER, etc. etc.. Added to this would be health care costs of taking care of a sick child. Several studies have established that breastfed babies are generally healthier than formula-fed babies (see #1). This means that annually, you will be spending at least 45,000 pesos to feed your baby.
4. Quick comfort - New moms often complain about how their babies are always attached to them 24/7. My sister tells me that even after Anya just fed, she would still cry and can only be soothed at the breast. A lot of moms end up questioning if they have enough milk since their babies never seem to be satisfied. Thus, when everyone else around them starts questioning their milk supply, they become disheartened and turn to supplements. Moms (and everyone else around them) actually tend to forget that breastfeeding is just not for food but also for comfort. Your baby was thrust into a cold world from the warmth of your womb and breastfeeding (often) reminds them of the cozy nest they used to enjoy. Even now, whenever Naima is scared or bumps her head or wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, nothing quiets and comforts her quickly then nursing in bed.
5. And the thing I love most about breastfeeding is waking up with Naima saying to me: "Thank you Mommy for making the milk" :D Never fails to bring a smile on my face even if I wasn't able to sleep well because she nursed all night long.
Check out other joys of breastfeeding experienced by fellow blogging moms:
Life of a Baby Wearing and Breastfeeding Mom's Breastfeeding is how I connect with my little one after work
Hobo Mama's No Need to Count the Calories When Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Moms Unite's Poems about the Joys of Breastfeeding
Lucy & Ethel Have a Baby's Nursing My Little Person
Maman A Droit's A Joyful List
Code Name: Mama's Milk Songs
Little Snowflakes' The Joys of Nursing to SleepGood Enough Mum's You don't have to be crunchy to enjoy breastfeeding
Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog's Things I loved about breastfeeding my son
Living Peacefully with Children's Nursing Haikus
Blacktating's What Makes Breastfeeding So Great
Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog's Things I loved about breastfeeding my son
Living Peacefully with Children's Nursing Haikus
Blacktating's What Makes Breastfeeding So Great
The last item on your list resonates with me the most - I love all of the ways my son has told me that he loves nursing. Even before he could talk, he let me know how much he loved nursing :)
~Dionna @ Code Name: Mama
As a family on a limited budget, we definitely appreciate not having to buy formula, bottles, nipples, bottle brushes, etc. I don't know how people can afford bottle-feeding! Plus increased healthcare costs from missing out on all those breastfeeding health benefits!
I love #4. He fusses, cries, but when he sees me lifting my shirt and positioning him, his cries changes to that of impatience... or urgency. And then he quiets down.
And #3, too! Although we did spend a few on bottles and sterilizers and my electric pump, that's just about it. No additional costs for cans of formula every week or so.
Limitless health benefits is right. This past year has been amazing for new research further strengthening the breastfeeding cause. BTW, I LOVE the comic!
Being poor to begin with, I can't even imagine the money we would have spent if Peanut wouldn't have breastfed. Yet another benefit!
Love that cartoon! I have often wondered about No. 2, myself. We don't travel by plane often, but whenever I see a mom with a baby on a plane who's feeding formula, I just think, "Well that must be a nightmare."
Oh, my goodness, what a cute little one you have! I love #5!
As far as cost, I was astonished to find out recently what formula costs. I definitely would have felt the sting if we'd had to pay for it. As it was, adding a baby to our family didn't change our finances much, and I really appreciated that.
Love your list!
i had a goal of breastfeeding up to at least 6 months to maximum of a year but its these reasons that keep me going.
I agree about travelling! I can't imagine travelling without nursing...it is such a relief to not have to worry about sterilizing bottles, or running out of formula on a plane ride. Nursing is just so simple!
IT IS A VERY NICE SUGGESTION, THANK YOU LOTS! ........................................
I can't wait until my baby can thank me verbally for the milk. For now, I say "Do you like milk?" and she nods. I suppose the hands down the bra are a hint that she likes it as well!
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