I knew that since my waters already broke, my OB will be watching me closely and will eventually put me in pitocin. So we decided to grab some lunch first. The nurse practitioner told me that I shouldn't be eating anymore since to do a C/S delivery they would need me to be on an empty stomach, with the last meal 8 hours ago. So I told her, that's ok. If I eat at 12nn, you can do C/S at 8pm.

From 2pm, I was debating about whether to ask Heidi to come or not. She was constantly in touch through SMS and phone calls. But at that point, I wasn't feeling any of the surges yet. The difficult part about having a back-up doula was that it was going to be the first time I was going to meet her and we didn't set parameters of the birth I wanted, etc. etc.
The LDR that day was quite crazy and I was seen by about 4 different nurses. At about 4pm, Dr. Grimm came into the room and told me that he wanted me to start pitocin to jumpstart labor since my surges were really irregular. During his IE, I was only 4cm dilated and about 90% effaced. In hindsight, I think I should have asked Heidi to come immediately when I checked in so we could have done some things to jumpstart my labor naturally - e.g. bouncing on a birth ball.
Anyway, I agreed to the pitocin (which Dr. Grimm told me was to be at the lowest level only). It was administered by the nurse in charged of my LDR - Tane (who was horrible - more on that later!!) at about 430pm. She told me that Dr. Schulman was coming to replace Dr. Grimm at about 530pm. Heidi came at about 5pm. My surges were beginning to be quite regular but quite manageable. Heidi told me that she could help me sit on a birth ball (ruled out by Tane!). Heidi also heated up some pads for my back. Meanwhile, Stan was playing one of my hypnobirthing CDs in the background. Heidi had a Masters in Public Health and did her thesis on the use of pitocin. So I spent sometime during my labor interviewing her about her paper and learned how cow hormones (yikes!) used to be injected in laboring mothers until they were able to create a synthetic hormone - now marketed as Pitocin.
Dr. Schulman arrived at 630pm and did another IE. At this time I was already 5cm dilated with baby in 0 station. I expected to deliver at about 9pm. By 645pm, the surges were beginning to be quite intense and I was feeling better trying to labor on my side. But again the nurse Tane was quite horrible during this time (see below). During intense surges, Stan was holding my hand while Heidi was patting my legs and reminding me to breathe.

I felt the strongest urge to poo but was told to hold it as they were preparing for my delivery. Heidi told me to do whatever feels comfortable to me. After about 4 huge pushes, Erik Raem was born at 745pm. During the pushing, Stan said I was turning purple :O. I did tear - minor according to Dr. Schulman who stitched me up with a local anesthetic.
Stan, Erik and I stayed in the labor and delivery room for about 1 hour. During this time, I signed a waiver for the release of my placenta and big Achi Naima visited us. She was so excited and Stan was able to shoot a photostory. My placenta was stored in the LDR refrigerator and we picked it up two days later on discharge day.
Next up: My learnings from Erik's birth
Congratulations, Jenny! What a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas!
congrats, jenny! :-)
when erik came out, did you get to hold him na or did they have to clean him up and all? how long/soon after did they give you to him? that's really my concern because it seems like, here, they give the baby to the mom but very briefly and the baby gets whisked away to be cleaned, measured, etc.
congrats jenny! :) did you had C/S before? I want to give birth naturally this time but my OB is against it. :(
Congratulations, Jenny! Another wonderful blessing :-)
Congratulations Jenny!!! Thank you for sharing this. To applesanddumplings you might want to check out this birth story:
congratulations! it is so great to be able to blog about the birth of your child... it makes you remember all the details which will become a blur when the kids are all grown up :)
yen, yes i did get to hold him. check out the unang yakap protocol. and tell your ob/pedia na cleaning up is not among the 4 timebound essentials. skin to skin and first latch is
cai, VBAC is possible but you need a supportive OB. check out the link that Alex shared. Dr. Estuart is from Davao though. Am not sure who is a supprtive VBAC doctor in Manila. plus i think they want a 2 years gap. the mom in the blog is from manila but flew to davao. maybe you can contact her for more info on VBACs.
Wow! Congratulations! Your little Erik looks so angelic and looks so mabango. Enjoy the newborn moments!
Wow! Weird nurse but thank goodness there wasn't a need for a lot of meds other than Pitocin. Cute baby. :)
Congratulations, gorgeous baby!
Love Erik's birth story, Jenny! :) I had to have oxytocin during labor with Tim too, because my water broke at 5am and by 9.30am I still didn't have any contractions, so the doctor at the hospital in Timor said I needed oxytocin. Both Tim and Rysse were born as naturally as possible too, since that's the SOP in Timor, and on hindsight I'm glad it is that way! ;-) Congrats again to you and the whole family! ;-) Godbless! And Gong Xi Fa Cai, too! ;-)
Thanks! I'll really prepare for that and put it in the plan. :-)
Thanks Jenny! When I give birth, Y will be 21 months. I'll check Dr. Estuart. thanks!
Thanks for the link! Will check it out!
awesome birth story Jen! i wish i could've gone through with my planned HWBAC (home water birth after ceasarian) but i believe fate (or juno) had other plans. She stayed breech til the end so all plans (and months of research on home/water birth and VBAC) had to be abandoned. I'm thankful for my good friend OB though who tried her best to give me everything i wanted. All but the natural delivery. we took my placenta home too! although i couldn't do much with it since they put it in formalin. sorry i just have to say this about your doctor. i'd think twice about choosing a doctor named Dr. Grimm! hahah!
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